Friday, September 8, 2006

Pic Of Prolapsed Uterus

Mythology of the binary

by Maud Thomas Yeuse

In the West, the organization of Social equality is characterized by the existence of two social equality, supposedly dictated by a kind of equivalence between essentialist biology, identity and the organization of society.

The binary consists of collection of its kind (personal and social) by sex. This mode is a system of historical mediations, sociocultural and political, not a state of nature.

Gender identity given at birth (boy or girl) and entered in the intergenerational transmission makes gender identity gender biosociologique (equivalent male-male-and female-female masculinity-femininity).

Anchoring based not on biology but on the transmission of identity. It is the subordination of this transmission recorded as single event to an anchorage naturalizing.

Gender (masculinity / femininity) based on the subordination of living standards and status within society according to a binary gerrymandering of both sexes in the social equivalent experience / standards-status. This kind of naturalistic fiction coinciding sex was strongly criticized, but does not seem out of the rut of essentialism. Essentialism which is derived directly from the binary model dominated by the patriarchal, heterosexual male. After the female gender, and on this basis, the West has created a transsexual as a mode of transition in order to save a binary model challenged everywhere. The department of psychiatry will be appointed to do this in order to regulate this is considered new, specific to the West.

Model doubling of both sexes is a fiction almost religious belief in a causal and linear identity that is constructed from / to the biological birth. The transmission of gender identity at birth (a boy, it's a girl) is erased in this mode naturalist.

The political model of the binary, far from being a founding model is a fiction designed to naturalizing mix all components of society While a human undivided indivisible, linear and causal. The man and the woman follows from the prodigious historical constructionism has continued to mutate throughout the centuries.

This model is also strengthened in the close political and ideological naturalness heterosexual field organization of society, including institutions. In the first place, family and heterosexual marriage. Heterosexuality in this new drama is composed of a standard office and institutional component called traditional society. The establishment of model "family" has undergone significant change in the "extended family" for the "nuclear family" and today all the reconfigurations of the stepfamily, single parent, gay or lesbian parents, family of 3 adults (or more), family with internationally adopted children, etc..

In these mutations, it appears that inequality and social asymmetry between the sexes (male and female) will be deported with modernity on the emergence of homosexuality and for a tiny fraction of the bisexuality.

To read the full article:

Friday, September 1, 2006

Where Can I Find Bontrail?

Full respect for human rights of intersex people

Declaration OII - USA in favor of full respect for human rights intersex people

Due to the arbitrary division of human beings into two legal categories, male or female, intersex people are deprived of one of the most fundamental human rights, he can live and be recognized as they are, ie as an intersexed person. Sex beings living is not binary and the two sexes, male and female, are not a valid description of biological reality. Accordingly, we will never have valid definition of what it means to be a man or a woman because, in this context, there is no way to establish a definition that prevents people intersex being mutilated, normalized force and inserted into one or other of these categories. Thus, we demand that

1) No person intersexed does track imposed arbitrary insertion in one of these categories, because it deprives us of our most fundamental right by endorsing the normalization of force and intolerance against our natural sex - intersex.

2) That, on the one hand, the government stopped the forced and arbitrary assignments to a binary gender system and it allows everyone to integrate gender in which they feel they belong. If not, we ask that intersex people are guaranteed the same legal status and the same rights as those enjoyed by other persons whose body is that of a man or a woman standard. We therefore ask what we can do legally recognized as intersex, with the right for people who have this status to marry which they wish to have full protection against all forms of sexual harassment (which men and women have already) and can live openly and proudly taking our identity by having a medical and legal recognition of our sex. As some intersex people identify as men or as women, the latter should in no way be forced to change their legal status, which would also violate their most fundamental rights.

3) We believe that this would be a plus for the whole society to recognize the existence of intersex people and not only for intersexed people themselves. In doing so, many stereotypes and other standards totally artificial gender are thus challenged.

4) We say openly that we are proud to be es-ourselves and we demand an end to silence, shame and standardization enforced and institutionalized against us has yet become law in this country.