Friday, October 17, 2008

Ambulance Transport Dialysis Patient

Day of Solidarity with the Intersex

The day of solidarity with the intersex
8 November: Anniversary of Adelaide Barbin Herculine

Organization Intersex International invites you to celebrate each year November 8 as the Day of Solidarity IS. All human rights organizations, our feminist allies, the student (s), teacher (s) and any group or individual who is interested in the rights of intersex people are invited to show their solidarity by holding workshops, lectures, discussions and other activities on:
  • life Herculine Barbin
  • treatment standards for children without their consent
  • violence binary system of sex and gender
  • sexism inherent in the construction of binary sex and gender.
Be solidarity with the intersex community.

If you are planning an event, send an email to the following address:


Friday, October 3, 2008

Spanish Pl-2303 Driver

The triptych pistachio, vanilla emulsion ...

A foam with slivers of pistachio, dark chocolate, a biscuit with butter and crumbled salted caramel-coated, an emulsion vanilla ...

Gluttony in its purest form!