Monday, December 13, 2010

Whathappened To Fakku

metaphysical theories of Ayn Rand

I read the biography of Ayn Rand by Anne C. heller. I just read the first half of the book. so far so good. his life and his thoughts are an inspiration. especially the following ideas.

1. reality is the goal. it can not be altered by the wishes or emotions.

2. epistemology. knowledge comes from reason (and reason alone).

3. morality. interest.

4. politics. individual rights.

5. the economy. a market economy.

6. sex. erotic response to the intellectual values.

I definitely agree with his philosophy of individualism. it makes me a individualista. someone who is against the principles of liberal and leftist Christian right.

but as a society I think we also need some type of socialism. eg health et l'éducation. les deux seraient bon pour la société. n'est-ce pas? cependant, on doit penser de l'individuel.

when i finished her biography, it left me wondering about it's entirety. her struggles and her achievements were certainly impressive. not to mention the steamy affairs, emotional upheavals, that she and the collective underwent. she was brillant. and i immediately thought of why her life hasn't been picked up by hollywood. it was scandalous.

she was not infallible. although she was a professed atheist, her views on homosexuality being immoral might have been born out of her jewish roots. her morality was rigid. black and white. and if you don't agree with Er, are you out of Favor Instantly and summarily Excommunicated Without Further discussion. it didn't help thats the people around Her Seems To Have The Encouraged comportement. (Sounds familiar?). The Diva Amongst Her worshipers.


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