christopher hitchens is brilliant! i just finished reading his book god is not Great: how religion poisons everything.
by far the most eloquent article of prose that i have ever read though admittedly my reading selection is very limited. its obvious superior style to anything i have ever encountered, goes without saying underlying message in which its plainly laid out arguments contre religion, makes a strong case sans hesitation.
people just have to be aware of history to be persuaded of hitchen's thesis. a recognizable fact that the atrocities directly or indirectly, no matter what the scale, continue to plague us to this day.
hitchen's talk vividly about the conflicts purportedly made in the name of religion between catholics and protestants, between christians themselves, christians oppressing jews, jews oppressing moslems and back. between moslems themselves. hindus and moslems. etc which strongly suggests a pattern. given enough influence and power. religion will oppress and cause conflict.
he discussed the decadent barbarity of the old testament (leviticus comes to mind) and the themes outright of the new testament concerning anti-semitism and sexism. see paul land timothy.
he touched on other familiar topics. familiar as i have read them from elsewhere particularly in dawkin's god delusion. like the origins of religion in which we are actual witnesses to all sorts of emerging cults of today, ethics and laicité, briefly on science and social liberties and the role of religion being historically a constant opposition, and finally my personal favorite totalitarianism which deals with the most common reproach against atheism's most infamous.
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