ff vodcast episode 2
I had fun watching this episode because it is intelligent and humorous at the same time especially the guy wearing glasses (hehehe). I wonder if he is undead like me.
a summary of this episode:
1. Day the Black Nazarene - it does not work like in a wireless kind of way. lol. good point there Who is Paying For the cleanup.
2. bracelets-scale power. my sister and my brother has one! That bracelet was Seems to Be Made of rubber and It Is suppose to help you balance. how?
3. by CBCP President Of The bill is HR that as terrorism.
4. Discovery Channel Teaming Up With The Vatican to create a series on exorcism.
5. Knights of Columbus will create a comic strip that would be anti-RH bill. I Would not Be Surprised if it IS going to Contain, Red ace puts it Quite well, fictituous articles posing as science.
6. gov. Taseer was in pakistan tué en défendant le laicité au pakistan. people think this kind of stuff happens only in the dark ages. i can only imagine what kind of nightmare it is to live in such a place.
it is inspiring to watch these people and maybe i should participate actively on their weekly meetups. i was able to attend a few times early on then extra-curricular activities came in.
hopeful of what the future would be like seeing how atheists, secularists, humanists, and freethinkers have started to organize in such a way that would effectively raise awareness to the questions regarding laicité in the philippines.
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